Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Andrew Johnson Filming tips

This man is called Andrew Johnson who came into school and held an hour lesson out of his own spare time to help teach us more about filming and editing. He has been in the filming industry for 20 years and has traveled the world filming in a variety of different places which is why he was such an asset to listen to and ask questions to about filming as he has such a wide and professional knowledge about cameras and filming. He's mainly worked for the BBC and taught me a lot, mainly about the equipment which has helped Olly and I for our music video as we now have a better insight about camera's and how to use them to our advantage when we film our music video. 

Audience Feedback - Rough Cut Video

Last week Olly and I showed our rough cut of our music video to our Media teachers as well as 15-20 Media students at AS and A2. We had a lot of great feedback about how well our music video looks at the moment for the amount of the video that has been filmed and edited. Some of the improvements that we were asked to make on the video include to be:

  • New font for title, one that links more to an indie genre.
  • Mise-en-scene, linking more to indie genre as well as more emotions to the main story line.
Positive feedback given from the music video:
  • A good story line alongside the music video, it works well with what we're trying to achieve.
  • The dog is well suited to it's role of the video and fits in.
  • There is some good shots and editing from what has been made of the video so far. 
Overall  we're happy with the feedback that we have been given because we haven't completed the music video yet which shows us that the work we have done for the video so far is on track and could be completed to a good standard if we keep up to date with the work and get enough camera shots. 

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Animatic Storyboard

Here is a storyboard that I created with Olly for our main task, the song we have chosen is called 'The Fray - How To Save A Life being set around an Indie Pop genre. we've used post it notes and stuck them to an A3 piece of paper giving it a better structure and if we want to change a frame we can easily do this by using a new post it note. This allows us to know exactly what part of the music video each shot will be edited into so it's a quicker process giving us more time to do filming as well as knowing what frames we need to film when we go to each location. We've said how long we plan each frame to be so the video is 3 minutes long, I know this should be accurate because we did this for our Preliminary task and that was done effectively.