Saturday, 6 May 2017

Final Music Video

  •        Start is a nice setting so the audience has a better understanding of the character.
  •        Two males could be in a relationship but are just friends.
  •         Leans forward so it is a friend giving him comfort, telling him that his dog is going to die could normally be a girl because they’re known to show more emotion but it is just a boy.
  •         Looking down on the dog so we could show the dog on his own so the viewers show emotion for the dog and feel sorry for him.
  •        Sat down and looks vulnerable, understand and feel sorry for him as we’re starting to get to know the character better.
  •       Got Jordan to look down at the floor so people can see his emotions more.

Evaluation Question 4

Here I have answered Evaluation Question 4 which is 'How did you use new media technologies in the construction,research, planning and evaluation stages?' Powered by emaze

Evaluation Question 3

Below I have answered evaluation question 3: What have you learned from audience feedback?

Audience feedback has made a big impact within the development of my music video because without it we would have struggled to gain our target audience's attention this effectively. Through the research we gained an idea of wanting to base our music video around the Indie-Pop genre but without our audience feedback we defiantly wouldn't have had such a confident idea of basing our video around this throughout the development of the video.

If our music video didn't appeal to our target audience then it wouldn't be effective or professional. This also helps us gain more opinions on our work and made people be very critical about it so we could get it created to the best of our ability. This made the production of the video better as it enabled us to be more confident with the decisions we were making as we knew it came partly from our target audience who agreed with what we were doing. 

Throughout the course we used a lot of audience feedback including the planning stages where I created a survey on to find what people's favorite genre's were to help give me a better insight into finalizing what genre I wanted to create my music video on.

After this we then used it throughout the production of filming and editing so that we could stay on time and complete it to the standard that the target audience would like to see so word of mouth gets around through them potentially telling friends and family so more people view the music video. The evidence below shows this as we got audience feedback throughout to keep their individual needs satisfied with our music video. 

There's a variety of different ways in which I conducted my audience research. I used the internet to create online surveys through survey monkey as well as using social media with sites like Facebook and Twitter as I know a huge factor of my target audience (15-21) use these social media sites daily making it easy to get hold of people and advertise the progress I've been making throughout. I only did it twice being at the start to gain more ideas for the production of the video as well as when I had completed the rough cut of the video so that I could gain constructive criticism in order to complete the final completed video to the best of my ability. 

As well as this I also showed my music video to Media Studies classes on a regular basis so I could gain a lot of feedback as well as people being able to tell me if they thought it was being improved when they pointed out something that was wrong with the music video before hand. As well as this I went to a couple forms in upper school as the students are 14-16 year olds which meant I was getting a great range of feedback from people aged (14-18) boys and girls which is a big range of my target audience. I also know a few students in year 12 who are taking Media Studies who gave me more constructive criticism with one of the main issues being that the video didn't stick to it's narrative which I then spent time in changing by making the actor show more emotion and adding more scenes for example, him sitting down looking upset with a picture of his dog on his electrical tablet showing his dog is no longer with us. 

The first thing I did when I received my audience feedback was to make sure I had it all down in pen and paper so I wouldn't forget the feedback that I had been given, after these improvements were made I then put them onto my blog so that I could show the impact of my target audience and how they've helped me develop my blog dramatically. We had to re-film quite a lot of our recordings though as the camera that we were using was faulty and would only film for a certain amount of time before cutting out which made us a lose a little time which we then had to catch up on. 

Through the feedback I gained from the audience a lot of them felt as though the music video was quite sad when they realize that the dog dies which makes it a very emotional video. This response was mainly showed by females  but some of the males that we showed the video to also felt quite heart broken from the dog dying which was good as I really wanted to catch some of the male audience to feel emotion as the video contradicts the stereotypical male and conveys the actor in the music video to being emotional and showing his feelings which really helped with the audience feedback. 

Another big impact the audience feedback made was on the production of my ancillary tasks. This is because I continuously asked people in my Media Studies class if they thought there was anything I could improve upon within my ancillary tasks which helped me keep updating them and making them to a higher standard such as changing my font type because it didn't link to the genre Indie-Pop that I was trying to achieve as well as also changing images because some of them didn't interest people enough to want to watch the music video if they saw it. 

As well as all of this from my audience research I was able to know what the best shot of the music video was which is an Establishing shot when the actor is running with his dog (at Escot church) and we then faded the dog out with the actor on his own showing that the dog has passed away. 

 All of the audience feedback that I received was based on the fact they knew that the work I was producing was for my A levels and not professionally. This is because I hadn't been trained or taught before doing this task that I was set apart from creating a music magazine consisting of a front cover, double page spread and contents last year for my AS which is why I am a practitioner on 'Adobe Premiere-Pro' because I haven't reached the best of my ability on it yet. 

Overall I would say that the audience feedback that I received was so important and is what i needed to make my work reach the level I wanted it to fulfill. It helped us especially in the creation of creating the sub-genre Indie-Pop in fulfilling it to help it look professional as well as adhere to the conventions and narrative. 

Evaluation Question 2

Below I have answered Evaluation Question 2 which is how effective are the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Through reflecting on the work I have carried out on my music video and ancillary tasks there is a lot of similarity's has helped give a consistent theme and genre throughout. The codes and conventions are all similar which has helped create a great narrative. 
Below is a Prezi I made showing a variety of features I used within the main product and ancillary task to make it look professional.

Friday, 5 May 2017

Evaluation Question 1

Below I have answered Evaluation Question 1 which is In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Below I have created a Slideshare presentation to show the different ways in which my music video adheres to the right codes and conventions.

Final Digipak

Here is the final completed version of my digipak being part of the ancillary task.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Final Poster

Here is my final poster for the creation of my music video. I have used a Mildeast font for the title with the font size being 48 compared to 10 and Oldolive font for the sub text, I used these font types as they're unique and original helping them link to the Indie Pop genre I'm trying to achieve as well as making the title 'arc' as not many poster use this feature very often. I put stars and text in the middle of the image to use up gutter space so there's less of it with there being text in line with the social media logo's at the bottom of the poster to help gain more publicity as a lot of promotion is through Web 2.0 so using these social media sites will promote the video dramatically. I made the house style look consistent through the whole of the poster with the record label also being in the top left of the corner.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Poster - Second Draft

This is the second draft that I have designed for my poster. I've changed the image and made it black and white. I've also in listed all of the main people who've been involved within the music video as well as leaving a date for when the album is released.

Digipak - Second Draft

This is my final digipak for my music magazine. I have used a range of different camera shots of the type of areas that suit this music video as we have tried to capture the indie-pop music genre. I have also included the dog from our music video and our main character into the digipak to make it look a lot better and so people know what to expect from the music video.

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Ancillary Task Research

This is a digipak which I have used to find creative ideas for my blog, as you can see this is very indie having a very unique and different pattern to it which is why I chose to do some research on it. I don't think I would use many ideas from this digipak though as it is quite plain and doesn't draw me in and want to look at it into much detail as it is very plain. If I was to take any of the ideas from this post I would circulate some of my own images to make my digipak stand out more to the viewers but not to all of my images because I don't think it would work as well like that as it would be to similar and wouldn't work.

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Poster First Draft

This is the first draft of my poster for the music video 'The Fray - How To Save A Life'. As you can see there is a variety of different factors that I can take from this poster and learn from not to use when I create my final poster. The image is focused which doesn't make it look professional so I will make sure that the image is focused properly in the production of my final poster making it more presentable to my target audience. What I do like about the poster though is that the title is set in the middle, at the top of the poster and takes up a lot of gutter space as well as being very eye catching to the audience so they're more likely going to want to have a look at the poster. I have also put 'The Fray' in a bigger font size to also make it stand out more so the target audience know what to expect from the song.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Florence + The Machine

Here I have deconstructed a poster made by Florence + The Machine. I have talked about all of the different effects that have been added to the poster and what affects this has towards the audience who look at the poster. It has been made really well linking towards the target audience of Florence + The Machine and not as much to people who haven't heard of them before. The reason to why they have done this is because she is a really well known indie singer who has had international tours so she doesn't have to make people know who she is as she is already really well known.

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Editing Process

Below is a few different screenshots that I have taken whilst we've edited the music video:

This allows us to know how many video clips we have within the music video with them also being in order to the clip making it easier to edit the clips.

This is a image that has been taken from the video which is Jordan (our actor) who is looking outside of the video in his house looking lost and upset to show that he is upset.

This shows us how long each video clip is within the music video and when it changes to the next clip. It has meant that we have been able to keep up to date with our work as it has shown us how much of the music video has been recorded which has meant we have known throughout how much more has needed to be recorded in order to complete the video by the deadline which has helped our time management dramatically.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

James Blunt

Below is some photos of Jordan (Character) who is going to be performing the main leading role of the music video. I have also added a photo of solo singer James Blunt to show the impression and sort of look that I will be trying to give to Jordan in the music video. This is because of the sub-genre 'Indie Pop' that the music video is going to be so taking ideas from a well know artist such as James Blunt has helped me gain more ideas into how to make the mise-en-scene of the video to the best of my ability.

Image result for james blunt


Here is an image I took of Oliver whilst shooting a clip for our music video. As you can see we have used a tripod so that the clip that we record is steady making it look a lot more professional as the motion of the video is a lot more fluent and realistic to the audience when they view the video. This will also make the editing process a lot easier and quicker if the filming is done to the best of our ability as we will have to cut a lot less out of the video during the editing stages. The reason to why our actor is looking downwards towards the alley to help show more empathy and make him look sad and make the audience know that he is thinking about his dog which has passed away.

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Semiotics - Media Language

Here I have used pixton to talk about semiotics and what I have learnt about semiotics. I have conducted research on semiotics as I thought it is important as it will help with the development of the music video as it will allow me to understand more about what is going on within the music video and help Olly and I in terms of what we need to do to make our music video more professional and appealing to our target audience.

Weather Conditions

This is a table with the weather conditions that we want to have for these places whilst filming our music video scenes there. The reason to why I have created a table for this is so that when we go filming we can film at specific places depending on the weather on that day instead of waiting a week or two to be able to film at a specific place helping our organisation. This makes it easier and helps us save more time filming as we will know where to film depending on the weather that day. The only problem we may have is that it could be difficult to make sure our cast wears the right clothing depending on the day so we will have to let them know early enough to stop this from happening. 

Where to film?
Weather Conditions wanted
East Hill (Top Car Park)
East Hill (Middle Car Park)
Sunny, Sunset.
Escot Church
Sidmouth Beach (Peak Hill)
Windy and cold.
Olly’s House
Colin Tooze

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Selecting The Right Videos

Here is a screenshot of me editing some of the clips that we have shot of Jordan for our music video. This is where I list and select which videos are most appropriate and look best for our music video and then we delete the videos which aren't going to be used. This helps speed up the editing process because I know the videos that are there are a good enough quality for the music video which helps me spend less time going through videos each time I want to add new clips in and do editing to the video.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Preliminary Task Evaluation

Through conducting this task that we were set it has helped us significantly with the production of our main task. This is because we know what went well and didn't go as well which enables us to have better experience with the camera that we used as well as 'Adobe'. This means that we should make less mistakes in the filming and editing of our music video which is going to be an Indie Pop music video.
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Here is a mood board that Oliver and I created together. We created this by deconstructing the most important pieces of text which we thought could work well within our music video giving it an Indie Pop feel to the video. After we deconstructed the lyrics we went onto the internet and gathered images for the mise-en-scene side of the music video so we have a better idea of what props we need which we found out would be wellies, coat, scarf, trousers and outside clothes as well as dog toys to show that his dog is well looked after and very loved. The reason to why we wanted to add warm clothes to the script is because there is nothing a dog loves more than to be walked and if we want the audience to know that he loves his dog he needs to be outside with his dog where he is happiest which also links back to the Indie Pop genre as not many music videos are outside and walking a dog making it unique and different.