Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Enter Sikari - Torn Apart

This music video is called 'Torn Apart' from rock band 'Enter Shikari'.
The style of this music video is very strange and unique because of the editing used as the camera is always recorded downwards with a variety of different rooms some with one person in and other rooms with a group of people inside.

The pace of the video is slow as the camera is always going downwards to give the viewers enough time to see and understand what's happening in each room of the video. All the band members in this music video are dressed in black and play musical instruments like electrical guitars and drums which helps the audience build up that it's a rock genre as well as the lighting of the video being very dark and faded.

We are not intending to do our music video on this genre as it isn't the kind of music that we listen to and enjoy although I am a big fan on the creativity of the music video as it's different and unique with not many music videos using one camera angle throughout a video.

The main audience for this music video is 14-18 year old boys as it is a simple setting and the video addressing itself towards the males more than women. They'll also be trying to gain more fans and popularity from the song which is why the video is quite unique and different compared to other rock music videos.

For the narrative of this music video the song title is 'Torn Apart' and as the camera goes downwards through the different floors we see all of the artists in the band but they're always on their own in each room and never all together in a room showing us as the audience that they're torn apart and not together.

The representation of this music video is to show a group of people torn apart and not together anymore, the lyrics 'sinking' are used a lot and very repetitively with the camera continuously pamming downwards to signify them falling.

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